I Think Therefore I Con 1999

by Sidra Roberts

Where to start...where to start...where to start?!?!?! I Think Therefore I Con is a show put on by CTO's very own Tim Till. This con has it all-- comics, gaming, anime, live music, gaming materials, art, guests, jewelry, hats, bumper stickers, old movie posters and much much more.

I arrived at approximately 11:45a.m. Sunday morning. This was just enough time to catch the last 20 minutes of a panel entitled So...You Wanna Be An Actor with Robert Trebor (Salmoneus from The Legendary Adventures of Hercules).

This was a panel about acting - both in practice and becoming famous. Things such as Method acting (applying memories from your own life to connect with the character you’re playing), agents, managers, unions, and what it takes to survive criticism were discussed. Trebor admited even if you have talent there’s no telling whether or not you’ll survive the rat race to become famous. "You have to have a tough exterior and a vulnerable interior," he said. Probably my favorite moment at this panel was when someone asked, "How did you know you had become famous?" and Robert Trebor replied with, "When I became a ction figure and a refrigerator magnet. That’s when I really knew I had hit the big time."

When I got out of the Robert Trebor panel it was time for Eli Stone, artist of The Tick, to be signing autographs at the front table. I stood in line for a few minute and suddenly Stone got a phone call. His face was crimson as he explained to the person on the other end how he was in the middle of a signing. He promptly finished the conversation and went back to signing and visiting with us. I spent three dollars on a The Tick’s Back (because I hadn’t brought any comics from home for him to sign) and got him to sign it. The personalization reads "Sidra! I love your name," which I think is very spiffy. And then I got my picture taken with him....of course my camera decided it was going to be uncooperative...but that’s another story in and of itself.

After that I, finally, made my way into the dealer’s room. This was not your typical dealer’s room. It had a far larger variety of merchandise than most local conventions. When I walked in the first table I saw had nifty hats on it...the type you might find at the Renaissance Festival, but at a much lower price. There was also a wide diversity of gaming books and supplies - both of the fantasy and science fiction genres. There were also two different beaded jewelry venders from one I bought a tiger eye ear cuff and from the other I bought a blue lapiz hair ornament. Of course there we comic dealers with every type of comic on the face of this earth. Probably the most time consuming booth was the booth with witty bumper sticker and buttons. I stared at all the witticisms for what seems like hours. I in the end caved in and bought two buttons. One that said, "I’m out of bed. I’m dressed. If you want me awake, it’s going to cost you," for my mom and another that said, "Duct tape is like the Force - it has a light side and a dark side and it binds the universe together," for myself.

Once I’d made innumerable laps around the dealer’s room I went into the art gallery that had multiple piece of art in various forms on sale in an auction style. There was fantasy art, sci fi art, cat art, nude art, paintings, pencils, inks, 3D Magic and Pokémon cards, and not to mention beautiful beaded crafts. If I had more money on me I would have actually bid on something.

Then I went up to check out the gaming. They had all sorts of LARPS - Vampires, Cyberpunk, Warhammer, Earthdawn, Advanced Dungeon and Dragons Living City, Star Wars, Wayfarer Infinity, and Bullet. I would have joined the Vampires one, but all the spaces were filled. If I’d gone earlier this weekend I would have been able to see the live bands Saturday night and the 24 hour anime marathon.

All and all I’d say I Think Therefore I Con 2 was a blast. I can’t wait for I Think Therefore I Con 3 next summer. Hey, maybe I’ll see you there *hint hint*!!!

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Copyright © 1999 Sidra Roberts

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