
Runes Law, Makers of Wayfarer Infinity

The Evolution of a Game

By Timothy Till

When I was just wee high, a group of friends of mine and myself made a roleplaying game. We were just looking for something fun to do at the time. But most of them were freaky math whiz's who couldn't understand the idea of a simple game.

Anyhow, I thought someone might be interested in how much a game can evolve from square one to pre-published.

Wayfarer Infinity: 1989 (Character Generation: Attributes)

For this little flashback let's use the standard race, the "Human." In Wayfarer, we like to call them "Terrans."

Primary Attributes Description Calculation
Willpower Determination (70+1d100)/2
Strength Physical Strength (25+1d100)/2
Endurance Physical Stamina/Resilience (25+1d100)/2
Coordination Manual Dexterity (50+1d100)/2
Reaction Reflexes (50+1d100)/2
Quickness Speed (50+1d100)/2
Sensitivity Perception (50+1d100)/2
Charisma Social Stature (50+1d100)/2

Secondary Attributes Description Calculation
Learn and Mental Intelligence and Passion Will Power x 2 = X*
Body Power Power generated in a strike ((2 x Str) + (3 x Qui)+ Cor)/6
Balance Physical Poise (Cor + 1d100)/2
Fatigue Muscle Stamina and Wind ((Str x 2) + End) / 2
Damage Endurance Physical Tolerance to Wounds ((End x 2) + Str + Will)/4

* - X is a point pool that is divided between Learn and Mental. No more than 75% of this point pool into either one of these.

Pretty complex, eh. Realistic. But so complex who would wanna play it aside from us freaks of nature with nothing better to do with ourselves. So over the years, generating the "Terran" became infinitely easier.

Primary Attributes Description Calculation**
Willpower Determination +3
Strength Physical Strength ---
Endurance Physical Stamina/Resilience ---
Coordination Manual Dexterity ---
Reaction Reflexes ---
Quickness Speed ---
Sensitivity Perception ---
Charisma Social Stature ---

** Player has 40 Points to distribute among all Primary Attributes. No more than 10 into each one (excluding attributes augmented by racial bonuses).

Secondary Attributes Description Calculation
Learn and Mental Intelligence and Passion Will Power x 2 = X*
Damage Endurance Physical Tolerance to Wounds Size (60) + Endurance + Strength
Initiative How you respond to a situation (Qui + Rea) / 2
Acumen The Well of spirit that fuels magic Potential (40) + Willpower + Mental

* - X is a point pool that is divided between Learn and Mental. No more than 75% of this point pool into either one of these.

Anyhow, the new system as a whole is simple, easy to understand, fast, and a realistic rewards and consequence system. We've never liked level based games, or games that have your character's scores and "hit points" getting out of hand. We reflect the fact that if get stabbed in the chest with a dagger . . . you probably aren't going to make it. It's hard to balance realism with fantasy without defeating that ever elusive epic quality, but it sure is fun trying to.

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Copyright © 1999 Timothy Till

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