The Gamer's Update

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Well, as most of you have probably guessed, Pokemon is still hot in the gaming field, and as we all know enough about it to choke a whale, I'll leave the topic alone with only one reminder. The boosters retail for $3.29, and the decks for $9.99; if you are paying more than that, you're getting ripped off. On with the show.

The best and brightest news on the gaming front comes from a small European company, Eurogames. They have re-released Dune. For those of you not in the know, Dune was perhaps one of the best games ever published by Avalon Hill designed for 6 players. Back in the 1970s, the game came out, and was reprinted fairly regularly for several years, including through the release of the Dune motion picture. Then it stopped. The expansions, Duel and Spice Harvest also disappeared, and we never saw it again. Now, it's back. All the expansions, all of the magazine articles, everything that made Dune what it was is back, in one package with new artwork, and it is phenomenal. It retails for $59.95, and is worth every penny.

Also new is Mordheim, the fantasy skirmish game from Games Workshop. Mordheim takes the Necromunda rules set, smoothes out the problems, adds the fantasy flair, and gives you a game about gang warfare in the WHFB world. Quite good. Granted, I'm prejudiced against it due to the fact that Skaven (ratmen) come in the box, but the game is quite nice, and worth picking up. Also, Games Nation will be running a league of it soon, so keep on checking the big boards. Also from GW, a bunch of new Battlefleet Gothic ships are underway, and apparently, these are not to be released in England! The game is doing quite nicely, and rumor has it that it is currently outselling both Fantasy and 40k in terms of units sold. We'll have to see.

Wizards of the Coast, aside from pushing Pokemon, released Mercadian Masques for Magic. Granted, this is the umpteenth expansion for Magic, and many of the cards are rehashing of older card types, but its nice to see The Old Man of the Sea and Diamond Valley back_well, weaker versions, but still the same principle. All in all, Masques is a good set, and were it not for the furor over Pokemon, it would be the next best seller in the WOTC chain.

AEG has released the Yoritomo/Toturi expansion for Clan War, and it is very good. The minis released are some of the best, and we can't wait for the Yoritomo figure. All in all, an impressive job.

ICE is still up and kicking, and even though they are reorganizing (and apparently have lost the Middle Earth license?! I hope not!), the new Silent Death book is coming out soon. Yes, the Q'Raj Void Protectorate is just around the corner.

Chaosium has spoken, and the word is CTHULHU in 2000! Yes, the Elder Party Y2K kit is out, only $14.95, and has a yard sign, bumper sticker, postcard and platform info. Next year, let the stars do the walking, and lets finally elect Cthulhu for President!

TSR has finally released the Dragon CDROM. But it. Now. The first 250 issues on 5 discs.

Well, that's really all to report for now, but for those of you who just really need a Pokemon fix, call WOTC direct, folks! Don't pay outrageous prices for these cards, just pay what they're worth. Working in 2 retail management positions, I constantly hear how the other local game stores and retail outlets are selling the cards for $5, $6, even $9 a booster! I know that I can't turn the tide, but folks, they're all still in print! The core set will be available again the week of the 14, and Fossil will be hitting the shelves again soon!

Sorry for the soapbox, but people just need to be informed.

Thank you.

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