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While writing this introduction, I couldn't help but wonder what we'd all be doing this time next year. CNN's web site featured a story earlier today (12/31/99) about how we went through this song and dance last time the century turned - and wound up celebrating two years in a row. Better start preparing for the celebration of the Century!

This month we're looking at two recent releases by two of my favorite authors. The Sea Is Full Of Stars by Jack L. Chalker was released in November by Del Rey. Finity by John Barnes was published earlier this year, but has just been released in paperback.

Both make excellent reading. The Chalker book is the first half of a planned two-book set. The Barnes book may well be the beginning of a short series.

The Sea Is Full Of Stars

    The Sea Is Full Of Stars
    Jack L. Chalker

    Copyright 1999
    1st Edition 11/99
    Del Rey Science Fiction

This book is billed as volume six of the original "Well World" series, rather than a continuation of "Watchers of the Well." As such, it succeeds wonderfully. Mr. Chalker assures us in a foreword that neither Nathan Brazil nor Mavra Chang shall put in an appearance, and in this first book (at least) they don't.

Long-time Chalker fans will recall the formula begun in Midnight at the Well of Souls. The story always starts in human space. Then the characters tangle with one of the old alien cities and get sent to the Well World. This book follows the formula, but the characters and situations are even more interesting that the previous books.

Once they arrive on the Well World, this book shows us many of the places that we only glimpsed before. Kalida and Ochoa are the most notable of these locales. Kalinda is, of course, the city under the sea seen from a passing boat by previous travelers. Ochoa is the island in the middle of the Overdark Ocean where ships re-provision. Both, it seems, are due to play a vital role in the latest struggle for dominance of the Well World.

Let's all hope that they publish Book 2 real soon. I can hardly wait!

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    John Barnes

    Copyright 1999
    1st Mass Market 12/99
    TOR Books

Lyle Peripart has had a boring life thus far, but all that's about to change. Today he's going to go see a man about a new job - and life will never be the same!

It seems he is uniquely qualified for the job. The esoteric theories he has been developing are much needed by the company. Some of the implications and applications of his theories, though, could be very disturbing. His future employer asks some pretty strange questions, too. Some of these questions can't even be remembered later.

When he gets ready to leave to meet his fiance, he finds that the airship has already made the trip. What's more, it insists that he has already made the trip, too. As the story progresses, events become stranger and stranger. There is a solution to all the weird occurrances, however. His new employer just won't tell him what it is.

The dedication says it all about this book. Its dedicated to a fan who asked, "Just once, would it kill you to write an adventure story, with a reasonably happy ending . . . ?"

This one's a lot of fun!

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Until next month, keep reading!

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Text Copyright © 2000 Paul Roberts

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(Space Reader Illustration © 1998 Joe Singleton)