Judgment Calls by Patrick Dunning

Welcome to the new edition of Judgment Calls, for those of you that were confused and questioning my sanity after last months insane rantings_ well, um, I'm going to actually do my job this month, which would be talking about the JLA related titles at DC.

Now to start things off, we have Titans. To be honest, I was ready to drop this title 4 months ago, it was starting to wear a little thin. But just as Devin Grayson had everything at a point where things were hunky dory, and annoyingly so at that, she rips it apart in the 3-part Immortal Coil story and it's follow up. Let me tell you, I couldn't wait for the next part of this arc, a rare thing for me lately. Anyway, I was deeply enjoying the Immortal Coil 3-parter, but I feared that afterwards it would return to it's previous state of staleness, but this wasn't the case, or at least isn't for the following issue. In issue 13 the shit hits the fan, and boy, the fan must have been on high. By the end of the issue I'm not really sure who's left on the team, but most of them have seemed to have just gone off on their own accord. Unlike my usual spoiler fests, I really don't want to let anything out. I do, however, suggest the last four issues of the Titans 10-13 (yes the four issues 10-11-12-13) The cover is very nice, a homage to The New Titans #39. Note the ten bucks to the right of what I assume is Dick Grayson's foot, in reference to the bet in issue #1.

Moving on, I was stunned finding a most unusual JLA one shot at the comic book store. The first part of JLA: Created Equal. This strange elseworlds tale tells a story of earth passing through a cosmic storm that somehow infects all the males of the world with a strange illness, and it kills all the men on Earth_ except for Superman. Well, from the standpoint of being a guy that'd suck, not Superman's situation, but the fact that I'd be dead. What's the world to do in a world without men, other then watch Ellen a lot more??? The fate of the world seems to be hanging on Lois's yet to be born son. That's not all we got the world trying to deal with, either: the fact that most of the world leaders are dead, the world dealing with it's dead loved ones and a all female JLA. It ends in what seems to be a happy ending, but if you read the to be continued part it won't be. I recommend it.

I got nothing else go away.

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