Our front page this month comes from a very talented artist named Lauri McConaughy, who joins the Collector Times staff this month.
![]() Lauri is a graduate of The Art Institute of Pittsburgh, and I think her talent is obvious. You can see another example of her fine work in our art gallery. This must be my month for new artists. I got this via email from a nice young man. His name is Teddy Goldenberg. He is 14 years old and lives in Israel. I really like his work, so I am going to add him to our art staff. I think we'll all have a lot of fun watching him grow and change as an artist. New folks arrive, regulars depart. We bid a fond farewell to Craig Gaddis this month, who is no longer going to be writing a regular column for us. His hard work and consistency on Gamer's Update has been much appreciated, and we hope that he will write us a column every once in awhile in the future. We have lots of stuff for you to enjoy this month. Jamie Coville provides an extensive interview with Marvel assistant editor Gregg Schigiel, which I think you'll enjoy. Tim Till writes an interesting article about the hazards of multiple gaming systems in roleplaying. We have lots more, so hang around and enjoy. Also, scott crawford has a special request. Email him! Give him feedback! Talk to him! He's really not as scary as his columns! Seriously! We are glad you are here : )
Copyright © 2000 Sheryl Roberts, Editor