Toy Story by Mathew Bredfeldt

Jeez, What a Lousy Month

By: Mathew Bredfeldt

I think the title says it all for this month. After another month of searching in vain for the Simpson's action figures I'm about to abandon all hope of finding them. I'm beginning to think that they do not exist, and the playset I purchased was a product of a deranged imagination.

Instead, I'm going to focus on what I have found in the way of diamonds in the rough. First, there is the new line of Extreme Championship Wrestling action figures. I had heard about these figures back in February, and when I heard about them I really hoped that they would have a Tazz figure. Well when I found them on one of my searches, I searched the back and saw they had one in the line. I searched the pegs, but no luck. I came back and searched for the next two weeks to look for Simpsons figures and for the Taz figure, and again no luck. This past week persistence paid off. While I was out getting "Pokemon the First Movie" on DVD, I searched the toys quickly and there on the pegs were at least four Tazz's and four Rob Van Dam's. I grabbed a Tazz and walked away happy.

Here's a brief review of the Tazz figure from the ECW line. In comparison to the other figures of the other wrestling lines Tazz he seems to be in the same scale. Tazz, if you have ever seen him on television, is a bit shorter than the other wrestlers so this is a good thing. He's jointed at the neck, elbows, waist and knees so that he can have the punching and kicking action that all good wrestling action figures need. The paint job is pretty basic with his purple tights, red wrist guards and red boots. His head and face are okay, but for five dollars I cannot complain. One good thing that I like about the entire ECW line is the fact that they come with some type of special action. In this case, Tazz comes with a special punching action that you activate by just twisting at the waist. Lastly, what is a good action figure without an accessory? In this case, Tazz comes with a section of steel barricade that you can ram another wrestler into. The only problem is that Tazz has no way to hold on to the barricade and use it. Also, although he is jointed at the elbows he has no jointing at the shoulders.

Looking back on this month it is not as bad as I initially said, but I really wish that I could have found Simpsons action figures, but Tazz is a good second choice. Now if they would only come out with a Francine and Dawn Marie action figures.

Sorry that this is so short this month, but like I said it has been a somewhat thin month.

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