Mangaphile #3

    Published by Radio Comix

Reviewed by Sidra Roberts

Mangaphile is a comic featuring_can we guess the magic word here - manga. There is, however, a fine line between cutesy, gritty, and intentionally humorous. This issue of Mangaphile has it all. The first story, illustrated by CT's own Daniel Fu (Utter Confusion), is a intriguing sci-fi/fantasy story about a mage who is in the middle of being attacked by an unnamed assailant. In spite of a few reversed pages, the story and art excel and blow the minds of all reading.

The second major section of Mangaphile is an interview with Kenichi Sonoda, which is, I'm sure, absolutely fascinating if you're more knowledgeable about Manga artists than I am. The interview seems very thorough and well crafted. If you're familiar with Sonoda or his work in Bubble Gum Crisis, Gall Force, and Gunsmith Cats, I highly recommend you read this article.

The third part is a riotous comic strip called Wendy Comic by Josh Lesnick, which partially parodies MTV's Spring Break, but mostly just bashes it. If you're as sick as I am of flipping through the channels and seeing college age kids who look like they should know better acting like complete idiots and not in an amusing fashion, you must check out Mangaphile for this comic strip.

The fourth part of the comic is an instructional guide for artists on how to color on their computers. It's very educational; all people interesting in coloring their art on their computer might be very interested in reading this helpful section.

Finally, we get to another story segment, however, this story is no where near as well crafted as the first one. This story is entitled Claire's Dragon; it's written by Rob Lansley and penciled by Kerr-ichi Lowe. Claire's Dragon is in the cutesy school girl style of manga both in the story and in the art. Claire, the main character, has a best friend named Bets. Bets is apparently a witch and for Claire's 16th birthday, Claire is receiving a miniature dragon from Bets. The dragon can shrink and speak a few words like taco, Ho Ho, etc. when he gets hungry. Can we see the trouble brewing here? Actually, I have to hand it to the author; it's a cute story without being nauseatingly cute and the art matched the amount of cuteness perfectly. You should definitely go out and buy your own copy of Mangaphile #3 to check it all out.

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