Top Ten #4

    Published by America’s Best Comics
    Writer: Alan Moore
    Art: Gene Ha and Zander Cannon

Reviewed by Sidra Roberts

"It’s a Middle Eastern Satan-Worshiping thang. . . We wouldn’t understand. "

Well, upon the insistence of several people, I finally picked up a copy of Top Ten. Admittedly it’s not the most recent issue, but it’s good. The above quote is just one superb example of Alan Moore’s razor sharp wit. The story is a combination of a cyber punk novel and a Giffen-esque comicbook.

This issue of Top Ten takes place between the police station, where the main action occurs, and crime scenes. The plot line revolves around two separate (well, at least I think they’re separate) murders. One is the murder of a mongoose juice dealer and the suicide of on of his partners, and the other murder was the Libra Case. Within the course of issue four, both murders have extreme breakthroughs that you won’t be able to believe. The cast of minor characters that fills the ambience of the book are vividly created and amusingly dynamic. In this issue Moore proves he has a keenly crafted talent for both character and plot creation.

As for the art, I must say Gene Ha has certainly outdone himself this time. The art is gorgeous and equally bizarre as the plot calls for. The drawings of both humans and non-humanoids is horribly complex and detailed and at times to emphasize the setting rather than the people Ha uses his detail work in the background and not in the characters. It’s a brilliantly scripted technique. <br>

Top Ten is most definitely worth picking up. The most recent issue, issue #8, is one racks at you comic shop as you read. So, go now and pick up your own copy of Top Ten. Trust me its worth it.

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Review Copyright © 2000 Sidra Roberts

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