Judgment Calls by Patrick Dunning

Life hates me, I know it does. I've been laid off, my car's broken down, my computer breaks down. After getting my fuel pump fixed on my car, I get a flat tire, my favorite show gets canceled, the riding lawn mower breaks down, then our freakin' backup lawn mower busts too, I'm broke, and I'm losing my damn mind (which is really a matter of opinion, most seem to think I lost it long time ago). At least the White Sox are still in first. Yet I made a promise, and I am one of those weird people that keeps a promise, no matter what... it's a character trait. So anyway, despite the low quality of it, is a comic-oriented Judgment Calls.

Young Justice is entertaining as usual, they had a rather strange format this last month. They basically showed the separate members of their team doing their own things, no big threats, no strange kid version villains, just Robin bitching to Nightwing about his problems, Red Tornado having a deep philosophical moment, Wonder Girl dealing with complexity of life, and Impulse, with Secret's help, trying to get Superboy's powers back by using time tested comic book origins. Stupid stuff... yet entertaining.

Next up, JSA. I guess half of them are dead. I won't say who's dead, but it was that damned Hank Hall who did it. Anyway, the proverbial shit hits the just as proverbial fan. The JSA is having their asses handed to them one by one. I suggest it, highly.

Moving on we have Titans: it's decent, not great. It seems a bit preachy right now, the Tamaranians/Gordanian war (that's Starfire's race of people, and their subsequent enslavers) seems to be coming to a head, and it seems to be a large anti-war speech of Devin Grayson's part to me. Also Arsenal, his daughter, and Damage go on a camping trip and Garth (Damage) comes to terms with some ghosts of the past, while a big character building moment, it seemed to be to shoving a message down your throat...a real "now, what have we learned children?" moment. If you're into the Titans, this is an important character developing story. If not, skip this three-parter, unless you like being preached to.

Which brings us to JLA, and Mark Waid's big opening 4-parter, to launch his run on the series. The JLA is having their asses handed to them, too, right now, by staple Batman villain Ra's Al Ghul.. He's doing a better job than Lex ever did. I like Waid's work for the most part, and while this isn't his best work, it's up there. I highly suggest picking up JLA, for those of you who want a jumping in point on the series, #43 would be the spot to do it. I suggest it. However, it's not all good for JLA this month.

JLA Annual number 4. Part of DC's "Planet DC" annual theme this year, focusing on lesser-known heroes in the DCU, based places other then North America. This annual teams the JLA with 'The Janissary', Turkey's #1 superhero. The story was mostly about her, and didn't really focus on the JLA at all. I really wasn't interested in it, I don't plan on picking up any of the other 'Planet DC' Annuals, and really don't think this is worth a look.

One last thing, it's on a completely unrelated topic, yet this is MY column and I can rant if I want to. ABC screwed Kevin Smith and the Clerks TV show. First off ABC moved Clerks from it's originally scheduled spring premiere date to a summer one, death for a sitcom, because they had to make room for "Who wants to hear Regis scream at the top of his lungs for an hour?". If that wasn't bad enough, they put it on head to head with the break out hit of the summer "Survivor." With the hype Survivor got, and the next to no advertising ABC gave Clerks, it didn't have a chance. It's not right, I tell you. Hell, Regis won't even compete with Survivor. Notice Wednesday is the only night "Who wants to hear 'is that your final answer' every two seconds" isn't on. It's not right. Every single one of you reading this, (ALL 3 OF YOU!) need to write ABC and bitch at them and tell them to put it back on. Write your bitching letters to netaudr@abc.com and tell them to put Clerks back on the air, and NOT to give it the shittiest time slot on TV. That's all I got.

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