Jaisini Gleitzeit Supermodernity

Manifesto (short version)

by Jaisini


Gleitzeit style based on depiction of visual flexibility with theoretical flexibility.

A painting which purpose is to achieve composition of enclosure. Art based on the depiction of a circle evolution of understanding and seeing. A kind of art which draws upon imagery and seeks to reveal and abstract idea of the connection within.

It's flexible because it has multiple principles. Paintings with a capacity to change visually by the artistic magic changing your subconscious mind.

It is a session of Hypnosis which controls you by a disorganized absolute harmony of everything expected from a "nonexistent" picture. It depends upon the pattern of line as a primal creator of whatever associated or disassociated from the theme.

The artist's mind is the superior beginning of the line, but the line is free and emancipated.

exi is a new neo-pro-anti-post.

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Send private comments to author at: Yustas61@aol.com