Sorry the Contest is over!

Below is a description of the contest as run in the CT:

Win a free signed, Martin Nodell print!

The rules:

  1. Name as many Green Lanterns, past and present, as you can. They don’t have to appear in costume, but references to them being Green Lanterns count. (You people can be anal retentive, so I’m laying it all out for you now.)

  2. The person who names the most Green Lanterns wins! In case of a tie, we will conduct a drawing for the print.

  3. The contest ends September 26, 2000, so get your entries in before then!

  4. The winner’s name or online nickname, will appear in the next issue of The Collector Times.

  5. No Collector Times staff will be eligible to win. (sorry folks)



Copyright © 2000 by Sheryl Roberts