(A XipeTotec Rant!)

by Stephane Morrell

In my own response to a rant that I made a couple of issues back, I wanted to present the other side of the coin. If you'll recall, my last rant was about stores that don't keep reserves or conduct bad business practices in regards to reserves.

This time around, let's look at the customers who can IN SOME CASES force businesses to these kind of practices. Now don't get me wrong, some stores out there just plainly have bad practices, asshole employees and should just not be visited. Others, on the other hand, are forced to put certain restrictions that can lead to argument because of the conduct of the customers.

Here's what I'm talking about. Small comic shop which is actually annexed to a magazine shop. They are a really great store in that they'll order whatever you want from the Diamond Comics Previews. Granted, of course, you're ready to pay for it. As of late, they've started asking for deposits of reserves... they've never done this before... They've started INSISTING that items need to be picked up within two weeks after being received or it goes up on the shelf... I said to myself "Self, this is not right!!" so I talked to the guy who runs the comic shop and he told me that numerous customers order tons of stuff and pick it up months later, if at all, leaving their sales numbers looking REALLY bad. They have inventory in reserves that's been there for a very long time, and in some cases have more stock than sales because of it.

Now THAT pisses me off... a reserve is meant for people who plan on actually PICKING THE DAMN THINGS UP once in a while!! There are few better ways to run a small comic business into the ground than by making them order you a whole bunch of stuff and then disappearing off the face of the earth. These are the same people who'll show up months later after the store has shut down and say "Hey! where'd the store go?". I mean what the hell?

I can understand cash flow problems, I've been there. and I've been guilty once or twice of picking up my stuff after a little of an extended delay. But this is not his problem. His problem are people who do it all the time! People who've ordered tons of stuff and have decided they didn't want it, so they never show up at the store again ( and I see some of you out there! I know you're guilty! ) and later on shop at a different store out of fear of facing the dreaded comics dealer!

Well, the other buyers can eventually pay for this kind of behavior... a business owner will do what he has to in order to keep his head above water. Something to think about when one thinks that if all the really great small comic shops disappear, all we'll be left with is a big shiny ones that only sell the A to Z of Image Comics and T&A comics.

So, think about what I've said, and go pick up your comics... NOW!

    Stephane Morrell

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