Artistic License by Joe Singleton

Hello, and welcome back for another shot of Artistic License. I've been terribly busy the last couple of months, what with changing jobs and setting up my studio and fighting with my other computer, and everything. Things are finally getting settled down, a bit, and I had time to put together a couple of ideas I've been thinking about.

Last month, in the Collector Times Online, Jason Bourgeois had his review of the X-men movie, with which I concur on virtually every point. The casting and characterization were much better than I had expected, from Marvel Comics' prior endeavors into cinematic super-heroes. If any of you have seen the Swedish Punisher or the skinny, lisping Captain America of the 80s, you'll know what I'm talking about. Now, while I enjoyed the movie and will definitely be getting a copy on video, there was something missing that I'd like to see corrected in any sequel that might be made. No, I haven't heard anything, so don't start palpitating, this is just something I started sketching on and decided to use.

As anyone who has read these columns in the past knows, I'm a fan of winged characters. So, of course, when I saw the lineup for the X-men movie I was disappointed to see they left out The Angel (or Archangel, as he's been called for the last 15 years, or so). I realize that the special effects for wings would tax most movie budgets, that's why they aren't done very often, but these days, with CGI, it's possible to do the previously impossible, on a reasonable budget.

We got to see another of the original X-men in the movie, cast as a teenage student in Xavier's School for Gifted youngsters, one Bobby Drake, the Iceman. He showed off his power of ice generation, in one scene, but was mostly a background character for the rest of the movie. In a sequel, I'd like to see him as an active member of the team, wearing the standard X-men uniform with a coating of frost. The visual effect of him "icing up" could be interesting. Also, with his ice-slides and stuff, there's a good chance for all kinds of athletic stunts. He could be transformed from the "fifth wheel" he played in the original X-men stories, into the flashy, young star with some well-choreographed skater stunts.

Lastly, just to keep it from being a total boy's club, I thought I'd throw in the green-haired Mistress of Magnetism, Polaris. First introduced into the X-men as the putative "daughter of Magneto", she later discovered this to be a fabrication of Magneto's. Polaris is Lorna Dane, longtime girlfriend of Scott(Cyclops)Summers' brother Alex, a.k.a. Havok. She has magnetic powers on a par with Magneto and startling green hair and I have always thought the green hair was an interesting touch. Gives her a bit of that "anime" look, too.

One thing I did with the Angel, was to give him a pair of goggles. Not as a mask, per se, but to give him something to protect his eyes as he flies at high speed. As inspiration, I used an old ad I found for mask-style driving goggles.


Bobby Drake, the Iceman

Polaris, Mistress of Magnetism

I may work on some of the other X-folks, if I can think of anything interesting to do with them. Let me know what you think of these and I'll see you here, again, next month.

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