George Perez’s Crimson Plague #1

    Writing and Art: George Perez
    Gorilla Comics
    Image Comics

Reviewed by Sidra Roberts

I looked around my comic shop this month for something to review, and my eyes fell upon George Perez’s Crimson Plague. The first thoughts that rang thru my mind were, " Oh yeah, the book whose heroine has a superpower that makes Mark Waid blush! " Crimson Plague was at least being hyped in such a way that I had to at least read it. The first thing that struck me about the Crimson Plague was how thick it was. I’m used to picking up my comics and not thinking twice about the heft. From the second I held Crimson Plague in my hands, I knew there was something different about this comic. When I took it back into my room to read it, I didn’t emerge for another thirty or forty minutes. No, I didn’t fall asleep. I was wide awake and completely absorbed in the book.

The character and plot development are fantastically complicated and enthralling. There are several mysteries, military cover ups, and instances of mass propagandizing. Everyone on Shannon Lower’s crew is united in that they hate her. I’m not sure that this hatred is justified; I’m also not convinced that Shannon is completely innocent and heroic like the newspapers read. The main character, the biological weapon, wanders around the whole issue killing without remorse. Her blood is deadly and according to the Gorilla website, she gets even more deadly.

The art is superb. Perez really fills in all the detail. The death due to DiNA’s blood is graphic and at the same time awe inspiring. I definitely recommend you go to your comic shop and demand they order you a copy of Crimson Plague #1. It’s a fabulous book that takes real time to read and fully comprehend. If you’re into books with true depth; this book definitely fits the bill. So go support Gorilla’s self-publishing artists and pick up Crimson Plague #1. You won’t regret it.

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Review Copyright © 2000 Sidra Roberts

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