By the time Sheryl and Co. went up to the Comic Con this year,
I was already a veteran Sluggite. As such, when they asked me
for requests, I could only think of one thing to beg for - anything
they could find that was of Sluggy Freelance. For days, I waited
impatiently, wondering and wondering what sort of Sluggy
goodies they would bring to me. Finally, on one fateful day I
shall never forget (I cant remember exactly when, but it was
sometime shortly after the comic con), they came to my door.
"Weve brought you stuff." They said. And they did. I eagerly
hopped up and down, like a person who was hopping (some
people might say I lifted up my shirt, but no one has any
to prove it) - waiting for my turn. Then it came. Jynx handed
me something, and said something I will also never forget. I
think it went something like "Here" - I looked at it, and took
out my Tick comic. I was heartbroken. I thought it was the
worst thing that could have happened to me. No Sluggy?
I was wrong! The worst came later. They wanted me to review
it. Actually, not really. Well, yeah, they did want me to review
it (she has a whip - thats why youre reading this now), but it
wasnt bad. It was just as good as anything else I might have
gotten, and even better. Thanks Jynx!
The first thing that catches ones eye is the cover. I dont mean
literally, unless you enjoy wildly waving around your comics.
But on the cover (all four of them, between the two Tick comics
I got), was a picture of Putty, from Seinfeld. He was wearing a
blue Tick costume. For those of you who have good taste, or
those of you that dont but have friends that do, youll have
heard of the Tick before. That being said, youll have heard that
the Tick is coming out with a live action TV series this season.
This was a picture of it. It looks pretty cool, even though from
what I hear, most of the supporting characters will be new. His
antenna are remote controlled!
This was a little misleading, though, because the comic inside
had nothing to do with the show. It doesnt matter. It brought
me fond memories, of back when there was a regular Tick
comic. It brought me painful memories, of the raging, hateful,
seething anger I had at NEC for stopping the regular Tick
comic. I was also mad at them. I really cant stay mad for long,
though, and their product is still good. The artist draws well
enough, and the writer was top quality. Both comics were
double sized, packed with jokes and all the ads at the back
(where they should be!).
The story is a complex and unique one. It involved a group of
supervillains getting together and forming a team, so they can
beat up on superheroes and make a name for themselves. The
superheroes try to prevent that. With an awesome story like
that, how can it not just rule?
Filled with the normal spoofs, Tick speeches, and an opening
scene similar to the audition in Mystery Men, this is worth
getting. Pick it up! Then send them a mail, and make them start
a monthly again. Tick fans cannot live on TV series alone!
Oh yeah - Sluggy rules, too!