Bio Comics

Review by Sidra Roberts

    Tac N Gina #1
    Writer: Jeff Russell
    Pencils: Art Thomas
    Inks: 187/Rave/JR

It’s been a long time since I read something that confused me as thoroughly as Tac N Gina did. I’m not sure what’s going on in the story. I’m not sure of what significance most of the scenes have to the plot. I’m not even sure that there’s a plot. Part of this confusion could lie squarely on the shoulders of the artists. I can’t tell whether the penciler can’t draw or inker just screwed up the artwork. One thing is for sure, the inker uses a pseudonym for a reason. It appears that Gina might have been introduced in the beginning of the book, but in reality I’m not sure. If she wasn’t, the scenes with the DJ completely lose me.

It appears to me after reading it twice that the writer was more concerned with getting out halfway witty one liners than anything else. The art really makes me shudder; I can’t really tell who’s who from page to page. I don’t mind amateur art, but I like being able to at least ID my characters.

I went to the website like advertised in the back of the book thinking that perhaps the site would explain the book to me, and when I got to the site, there was nothing up on it. Needless to say, I’m not impressed. Overall, I’d say avoid this book.

    Killing Time #1
    Writer: Jeff Russell
    Pencils: Gino
    Inks: Robert

First thing that goes sort of in this books favor: BETTER Inker! Killing Time actually appears to have something resembling a plot. However, while I can see that Jeff Russell has a plot very clearly in his mind, it’s also easy to see that Mr. Russell has no clue how to convey this idea on paper. The plot is sketchy and underdeveloped. An accurate plot summation could easily be on the word: die. That’s all that happens in this book: characters die and get attacked. The most glaring thing that jumped out at me while reading this though, was the grammar errors. The most blatant being " Quiet I HERE something. " I wasn’t sure whether to be repulsed by that line or to laugh out loud. The whole book, in all honesty, garners the same feelings.

Honestly, unless you’re really really bored, I wouldn’t touch this book.

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Review Copyright © 2000 Sidra Roberts

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