Race Warrior #1-10

Published by Custom Comics of America

Writers Terry Collins and Mike Barons

Real Life Section Writer: Claire B. Lang

Reviewed by Sidra Roberts

Race Warrior, the title taken by itself, makes the book sound like it should be about some politically correct guy defending the world against racism. Luckily, Race Warrior is FAR, FAR from that. Race Warrior is a futuristic racing comic book. As the tag line reads " America’s Racing Comic Book "

With a mischievous grin, I must ask " May I have another hit? " . I’m addicted to this comic. I wasn’t sure at first whether or not I liked it, but after a reading the first five issues I couldn’t put the book down. Race Warrior has everything: mystery, romance, suspense, action, science fiction, murder, and politics.

I’ll be the first to admit that I know very little about racing. Knowledge of modern day racing is really not a prerequisite to understanding and enjoying this book. The book really just uses the racing event as a backdrop and minor plot element. All the sports cars in this comic are sponsored by soft drinks like Sunkist and Seven Up. The characters stroll around like walking billboards; you seldom see a racer in normal clothes. This is no where near as annoying as it might sound. Trust me. It’s actually a quick and easy way to ID the characters. Additionally, this book will try to inform you and interest you in the world of modern racing. There are really cool sections in the back of each book that provide interesting information about today’s racers.

The story is about the rivalry between two racing teams: the Race Warriors and Team UP. The main characters are very much three-dimensional characters, who are not completely evil nor completely innocent. Everyone has his or her own issues and motivations that cannot be solved with the snap of one’s fingers.

The science of the year 2020 that is presented in the story is not perfect miracle technology that never fails. The technology is constantly evolving and the scientists are trying to hammer out the mechanics of them safely. While trying to create this technology the scientists have to be careful to conceal the information against both foreign powers and their rival racers. There are several artists working on this book and they are all wonderful. Some of the cover art is absolutely stunning.

If you like a great, fast paced espionage story (Okay, I had to make a bad pun. I’m sorry), go to www.racewarrior.com and get your own copy today. Believe me. You NEED this book.

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Review Copyright © 2000 Sidra Roberts

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