Yep, that's right, I volunteered myself to review Indie books from
Uncommon Con. It's amazing the things one will agree to when one is
bored enough. Well, it turned out well enough. I got some entertainment,
and I get to get more dissing these comics. Bwuhahaha! Hopefully,
someone out there gets as much enjoyment reading these things as I get
writing them.
This month's target is Tandra: The Dragonrok Saga #1. This is one of
those wonderful #1s that's not really a #1. It's the start of a new story,
not a new comic. So I come in having no idea what's going on, and I
soon realize I don't care. Let me sum it up for those of you who don't feel
like reading a whole review: This comic was so bad that I had to force
myself to read it.
Yes! It is SO boring that the first time I read it, I got a few pages into it
and set it down. I couldn't go on. But I knew that eventually I would
have to review it, so one day when I was really bored, I went through the
whole thing. It didn't get any better. It got worse. It stayed just as boring,
but got dumber! Oooh! Amazing!
Let's see what I can remember about it without having to re-read the
story to hash out all the details.
It's published by someplace called Hanthercraft Publications. This issue
seems to date all the way back to '93, so I doubt you'll be finding it on
your comic shop's rack. Pity. The art is by some guy named Hanther. I
think the writing is too. It's set up in an almost newspaper-strip form,
because that's how it used to be published. God only knows how they
got this boring drek into the newspaper.
On the back of the comic it's touted as "a book for grownups."
Translation: it's a lot like a romance novel. Men with big muscles, women
with great bodies and little clothing. There's a god-awful break-up
speech, a chick in a fur bikini nursing a guy back to health... Very cliche.
Oh yes, and the cover features a manly man battling something that
looks like a cross between a dinosaur and the Furby my Mom got for the
holidays, while a girl in leopard skin panties poses distressfully... puh-
The art is good, in a newspaper comic strip sort of way. Well-detailed,
but really not stand-out, and certainly not enough to make up for the
dreky story.
I'm already bored trashing it. Sorry folks. Tune in next month when I
deflate the ego of the Clockwork Storybook people! Woohoo! I know I'm
sure looking forward to it. I hope you are, too!