Created by Den Zelig and R.C. Guinan III, The Budget Strips
includes two short pieces that can be best described as
situational comedy in genre. The first story, "The Beer Run,"
involves the four main characters making a late night beer run to
the supermarket where hi-jinx ensue. The second story,
"Mezmereyez," features Demon who has fallen under the control
of the cast.
Of the two stories "Mezmereyez" worked better for me as the
resolution to the situation seemed to be a bit smaller in scale than
the all out chaos which breaks loose at the end of "The Beer
Run." While I found "The Beer Run" enjoyable, it seemed like
the various factors involved in the plot never completely gelled in
the story. The plot in "Mezmereyez" is a little more
straightforward and was the stronger piece of the two.
Stylistically The Budget Strips is very light-hearted and keeps
things moving along at a decent pace. I found the script and
artwork both worked together very well and could be enjoyed
by regular comic readers as well as those who might not follow
comics. I would highly recommend checking out their website at
which is updated weekly. Here you can get a taste as to what the
Strips are about and a regular dose of work from the creators. If youre
looking for some light-hearted fun then I definitely recommend both the
Budget Strips comic and website.