Lee’s (Useless) Super-Hero Generator

Ok, this is bound to be a site that most people have (and has probably been mentioned here at CT before), but it’s so good that it warrants mentioning again.

One word sums it up. "It." Of course, if you add a few more, things make a little more sense. In this case, I’d go for "makes randomly generated superhero/villain/group names/powers/vehicles/weapons." This is all in a good sporting, humorous way.

Not all having too much to do with roleplaying (unless you really need a few names for the DC game you’re running), this is still something both roleplayers and comic readers can enjoy.

But don’t take my word for it. Listen to the Rebellious Elasti- Avenger. Or don’t, but fear his one-size-fits-all wrath.

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