Complex City #2
    Price: $2.50 US
    Writer/Artist JE Smith

Reviewed by Jamie Coville

    At the end of last issue, a big robot with two brains bashed it's way into a high tech laboratory, and from there we continue. The robot Max gives us his side of the story which tells us the essentials of last issue to catch us up to speed. At the same time, it gives us answers that readers would have been asking last issue. It's not often you see a 'get up to speed' recap done so well, it doesn't feel like a chore to read. Points to JE Smith here for doing it this way. The rest of the story is a fun battle between the robot Max, child genius Fidge Dextro, adult genius Dr. Martin (Ira) Handsome and a Cop named Bulldog Malone. This is not your typical comic book fight scene. It's humorous and spaced out, not the do or die type found in most comics. The only problem I have with the story so far is I think I guessed our mystery villain.

    JE Smith’s art is nice to look at. His lines are solid, he can draw details and wide open cartooney art equally well and does so here and there within the book. He generally uses big panels and makes the layout and reading very easy to follow. There are also some added gags within the art that have nothing to do with the story, things drawn on walls and so forth. Like last issue, I give this a 4 out of 5 star rating. I recommend people give Complex City #1 and #2 a read, it's worth the money. This issue hit the shelves on December 27th, if your retailer ordered some they might still be on the shelves, and if not, they are still in print and easy to reorder.

    Jamie Coville

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