Tales from the Fans

Last updated: Friday, December 01, 2000 23:40:39


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Gaming Token

    From: "Wevodau, Darla" <dwevodau@dsdc.dla.mil>
    Subject: Question
    Date sent: Tue, 31 Oct 2000 09:45:06 -0500

I was wondering if you could help me. I have a Limited Edition Ten Dollar Gaming Token from the Mirage in Las Vegas. It is gold and silver and says .999 fine silver. How much is it worth? Darla Wevodau
DSIO-UA, New Cumberland
Comm 717-770-8597/DSN 977-8597
E-mail: dwevodau@dsdc.dla.mil

Hi Darla!

I really have no idea how much your gaming token from Las Vegas is worth, but I have a couple of ideas about where you may be able to find out.

Try this site and see if your token is listed there somewhere:


If not, you can ask about it at this site:


    Good luck!
    Sheryl Roberts
    Editor, The Collector Times

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