Silver Storm

Reviewed by: Mathew Bredfeldt

A few months ago when Uncommon Con was in town, our intrepid editor picked up this title and I volunteered to review it.

Well, I really tried to enjoy it, but there are some serious flaws throughout the entire limited series. First off, when you cannot have a stable artist until the second issue and then have a series of inkers on your last two issues, something is very wrong. The art in some of the issues lacks because it is not all that clear in some places where the characters are in the panel. They are done in black and white so at least they are not that bad.

Next up is the plot. This one seems to be standard fare for a comic like this. It seems that one of the main characters, Christopher Kastle, owns a suit of armor similar to that of Iron Man’s called Silver Dollar, and there is a group of mobsters that want to steal it and use it for their own evil purposes. Also involved in all this is an old friend of Mr. Kastle named Natasha that is a world famous supermodel who also has the ability to control the wind. Needless to say, the mobsters hire out a couple of super powered thugs to steal it, and they do. One thing confused me though, and that is the fact that they included cameos from other titles that hardly add anything to the development of the plot.

Overall, it’s an okay title if you want to wet your feet in some alternative press books. These books were published about two years ago and maybe you could find them in some comic shops that carry the more exotic titles.

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