Comic Book

    Undercover Comics

Reviewed by AJ Reardon

    It was one of the best covers I had ever seen... The colors, the bold title, they all called to me... It was a truly brilliant bit of artwork. Enough BS. The cover of this month's selection "Comic Book" features a BRIGHT YELLOW cover, with the simple title "Comic Book" written in caps across the front. In the top corner is the issue number, and the lovely low price of 1.95. For that cheap, I decided it was worth picking up to review. There was one issue left, and I nabbed it up quickly. Boy, am I glad I did. The initial chuckle at the title was only the beginning of the mirth this book had to offer. The very first page had me laughing aloud (as compared to the quiet chuckles the good issues of Tick elicit). It is THAT funny.

    The main character is a generic super hero. He doesn't seem to have a name. He has no logo emblazoned boldly on his chest. His costume is very standard... Tights, cape, and the required underwear-on-the- outside. The comic is in black and white, but if it were to be in color, I just know the suit would be simple primary colors. He doesn't seem to demonstrate any powers, either.

    However, the real comedy comes from the generic mad scientist and his generic hunchbacked lackey... The dialog exchanges these two have with each other and the other characters in the book are hilarious. One big plus: absolutely positively NO ads (unless you count the hero going into the comic shop looking for a copy of "Comic Book"). This is cover to cover story... Including the inside of both covers. It has less pages than a normal comic (I'm too lazy to count), but hey, for 2 bucks, what do you expect?

    The one drawback with this particular issue is the scene when the hero goes home and we find out that he lives with his mom... The dialog and even the whole scene seem a bit stretched, and I think the book would have been better off without this scene, and maybe some more exchanges between villain and lackey. The biggest drawback I see with the series in general is I'm not sure how long the concept can be funny. If this is just a 4 issue mini-series, or something like that, I predict it will work out well and perhaps be worthy of some sequels in later years. This book is published by (according to the guys at the comic shop) Undercover comics (forgive me if I got the name wrong), written by Doug Miers, penciled by Amilton Santos, inked by Rob Lean, and lettered by Michael David Thomas. Given such a short list of credits, I decided to name them all! Everyone gets recognition in this review! In summary, I say the first issue of this fun series is worth picking up on your next trip to the comic shop.

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