Random Thoughts by Chris Reid

Gaming - Site Review

This month went by pretty fast. So again, after ignoring multiple reminders from my (wonderful!) editor, I received the dreaded "Your site review is due today, where is it?" reminder. I didn't want to disappoint any of you who read my articles (or her, she has a bullwhip), so it was with much luck that I pulled from out of nowhere - the Sarcophagus of Knowledge.

Well, something like that. Check it out at http://rivendell.fortunecity.com/cromwell/977/dm.htm and run down the list. It's got a pretty nifty background, but the best part is the content: a bunch of very cool utilities for aiding in GMing (or perhaps just writing/character generation). While most of it seems to be geared towards the various Dungeon and Dragons worlds, there are a bunch that seem to be quite easily adapted to other things.

These are all programs you can download onto your computer, all freeware and such. Even if you don't play D&D, I recommend checking it out.

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Text Copyright © 2001 Chris Reid

E-mail Chris at: Tembuki@aol.com