Kovels’ Bid, Buy and Sell Online
by Ralph and Terry Kovel
Published by Three Rivers Press

By Sidra Roberts

Ralph and Terry Kovel are revered as two of the foremost authorities on antiques and collectibles. They’ve published several books on a wide variety of collectibles. Now they’re giving concrete advice on how to pick up your favorite antique or collectible using online auctions. If you are new to the world of computers, their book gives you a nice, solid walk through on what your Internet browser is and how to use it to surf for collectibles online. It gives you explanations that are straightforward and easy to understand. It doesn’t matter if you’ve never used a computer to shop online before.

If you are wary of or have never used online auction sites before, this book does an EXCELLENT job of showing you how to navigate the main Internet auction sites. It gives you solid advice on how to bid and win the items that you want without having to spend countless hours glued to your computer. Don’t get me wrong, you will have to spend time in front of your computer to win the auctions you want, but you don’t have to spend your every waking hour there. In addition Kovels’ Bid, Buy and Sell Online gives you heads up advice on how to generally avoid fraud and what to do to protect yourself from fraud.

This book is a wonderful tool, if you’ve never sold anything. It takes you step by step through selling items online. Kovels’ Bid, Buy and Sell Online includes how to sign up to sell items, how to decide what items you could sell online, how to list your item, how to set your minimum bid, how to write the description of the item, how to ship your item, and how to protect yourself from fraudulent buyers. If you’re not having much luck selling items online, you might want to buy this book and see what you’re doing wrong.

I found the appendices in this book most useful. There is an easily accessible glossary of Internet and auctioning terminology to aid you after you’ve read the book and an easily navigable index in case you want to quickly find anything within the book. It also contains a chart that compares the top three Internet auction sites. Additionally, there are many pages that list various places online where one can purchase antiques and collectibles.

Overall, this is a very well researched book with firm and practical advice about bidding, buying, and selling items over the Internet. If you’re not familiar with the world of Internet auctions, or you just want to be more fully informed, I would recommend you pick up this book. It is very informative and speaks in plain easy to understand language. Kovels’ Bid, Buy and Sell Online is definitely be worth the 14 dollars it costs. If you want your own copy of the book you can order it online at www.kovel.com, www.amazon.com, Barnes and Nobles Online. You could probably also find it in your local bookstore. Whatever way you chose, pick it up and inform yourself.

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