Random Thoughts by Chris Reid


So, a few months ago, I was bored. I just happened to be at a video game store, and just happened to pick up a game called Torment . . . partially due to the fact that it looked pretty cool, and partially due to the fact that it was made by Black Isle (makers of Fallout 2). I put it away for a bit and forgot about it until a couple of weeks ago. Then I started playing it, and really haven't stopped since.

One of the side effects was a renewed interest in Planescape, which Torment was based on. Don't get me wrong, I dislike the AD&D (2nd edition, at least) rules as much as the next person, but this was definitely one of the cooler ideas they had. On Black Isle's site was a link to a bunch of Planescape webpages, and there I found mimir.net. Pretty much, for those of you who don't know what they are, mimirs are creatures (generally floating skulls) that spew out all sorts of information, some useful, some not. In this case, the site is composed of a group of different mimirs, each which gives information on various aspects of the game.

The site is littered with decently done computer graphics, most of them conforming to the skull theme. It's also an extremely decent resource, for people who already play it, for people who used to and forgot, and for people who didn't know Planescape existed before reading this article (as a side note - buy Torment).

At one point of the site, they were mentioning people who had printed out all 1000 pages of it. I felt this to be just a bit of hyperbole (I'm exaggerating a bit myself, there). That was, until I went to their mimir.net book section ( http://www.torment.mimir.net/files/ ) There they have just about everything conveniently packaged in Word format.

The only downside to the site is that if you jump in, it can be a little awkward at first to navigate around. If you jump in at their handy site-map ( http://www.mimir.net/sitemap.html ), it'll take you where you need to go. OK, well, maybe there's another downside. It looks like the site hasn't been updated in a while. It's certainly lasted longer than TSR's run of the product, not that that's saying much.

This review is one of those "don't take my word for it" sort of things (as if you should trust me much after reading my column). Just about every Planescape site I've come across has something good to say about it, and I do too.

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Text Copyright © 2001 Chris Reid

E-mail Chris at: Tembuki@aol.com