Operation Purge #2
Publisher Lab Rat Publications
By William Brackeen and Patrick David

Review By Sidra Roberts

Let me start off with the statement that it’s a pure shame that at current, this comic isn’t going to be published because there wasn’t a demand for the second. I have a photocopy of it. William Brackeen shows up to Collector Times chat occasionally, you should come too. I may not be there until later because of my summer job. I work retail. I’ve been getting assigned to the 5 to 9 shift. The first night he came on, I got to talking with him about Operation Purge. I’d picked up the first one at my local comic shop because it looked cool and I needed something to review.

Issue two of Operation Purge follows the tale and concepts set up in issue one perfectly. Jasmine Shani explains her position on the law totem pole, the bottom. Despite that, she finds a crucial piece of evidence and then gets yelled at for it. The vigilantes continue their reign of terror: killing drug lords and destroying the prison and killing the people inside.

This issue contains various plot twists, including the unveiling of the Cardinal and humorous aspects including the quotation of the theme from Shaft. It’s a solid book with great intrigue. The art looks a little fuzzy, but that’s only because I have a photocopy of it. The story and the art go hand and hand, and the story is the perfect follow-up to the set up last issue. The plot is beginning to truly unfold and it’s magnificent. If you can, you should try to at least pick up issue one of Operation Purge. The website on the back of issue one, www.purge.net, takes you to the artist’s site. I’m sure that if you contact him and tell him you want to buy a copy of issue one of Operation Purge, he’d find a way to make it so.

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Review Copyright © 2001 Sidra Roberts

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