Indie Books & Other Pet Peaves

By Sidra Roberts

I figured while I was on a writing tear, I might as well sit here and write an opinion article. So, off we go!

The comic industry has the absolute best selection of comics that I’ve ever had the privilege of reading. What annoys me is that the industry is so in the toilet. It make no sense that great books like Complex City are being dropped off of Diamond’s subscription list. It make no sense that Operation Purge didn’t have enough interest to be able to afford publishing issue two. A few months ago Geeksville put out it’s last issue. I followed Geeksville for it’s entire run. When it finally stopped coming out it was on the Image label. I cried when I got the last issue of it. It’s been forever since I got a Gorilla comic in my subscription box; I think something bad has befallen them, too. What’s up with this, people? All these wonderful self-published books have had some major set back or have had to fold. What’s going on? Does it have to be Marvel or DC for people to buy it? Keith Giffen can’t put out a book nowadays without it dying within the first 6 issues, either. He’s an absolutely brilliant writer, who wrote JLA in the 80’s, Legion of Superheroes in V4, and co-wrote Legion with Paul Levitz in V3. I mean, WHAT is up with this? I like DC books, don’t get me wrong. There are a lot of good things put out by the big boys, but there’s a lot more out there than just the big boys.

Speaking of injustices, I was looking at the Jurassic Park 3 website and I looked down at the rating symbol and it told me why it was rated PG-13. It sounded like a decent rating, but the reason had one word that immediately captivated my attention. JP3 is not rated PG-13 for Intense Terror and Violence. No, no, it’s rated PG-13 for Intense SCI-FI Terror and Violence. What on EARTH? I then decided to do a little investigation and I found out that no sci-fi film made after 1969 has been rated anything lower than PG. Yes, this includes E.T and Close Encounters of the Third Kind, and every last one of them had the words sci-fi or Science Fiction in the reasons for their ratings. It’s like someone went, "OH NO!! Science Fiction BAD cannot be rated G and we must warn everyone of it’s evils in our reasoning for the ratings." Okay what idiot is going to think that Star Wars, Starship Troopers, Jurassic Park, Mars Attacks, or Close Encounters of the Third Kind is not going to be science fiction? EXCUSE ME! What about space ships, dinosaurs, or aliens made you think it was not going to be science fiction? How low does one’s IQ have to be for this to be the case? I’m sorry, but I’m positive that the movie’s poster should make it expressly clear that it’s a sci-fi movie. You DON’T need to put it in the rating box like it’s an evil, degenerate genre. If you’re gonna put the genre in the rating box, I want to see the words romantically humorous portrayal of blah-de-blah-de-blah, or inane action flick portrayals of violence (I like action flicks, but for sake of argument) in the ratings box, too. Come on! What's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.

And finally, I have to rant on my pet-peeve of the month. Moms and Dads, when you take your little children to a store, WATCH THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don’t let them run around and do whatever they want. I know you think they’re little precious and that they wouldn’t destroy anything. Wowever, the truth of the matter is, I spend half of my time at work baby-sitting someone’s child who’s trying to tear up something or other in my store. If you want a baby-sitter, pay for one. I’m perfectly willing to baby-sit for the right price. When I’m not supposed to be babysitting, I and a lot of other retail workers would appreciate it if you’d watch your own children. I’d think that people would care more. I mean if the kiddo breaks it, you have to buy it. If for no OTHER reason, I’d have my little kid at my side at all times.

Okay, I think I’ve frothed at the mouth enough for one month now. I’ll talk at you all later.

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