What I Care to See
By Stephane Morrell

"The Others"

In this spooky film, obviously somewhat inspired by "The Sixth Sense," Nicole Kidman plays the mother of two children with an allergy to light. Her husband has gone off to war and she's left alone to take care of her two children in what appears to be a haunted mansion.

As mentioned, there is obvious inspiration from "The Sixth Sense," but make no mistake, this is not a clone or a rehash. This is a whole film on its own. What's great is that it does not rely on gore or cheap scares to get to you, but rather builds up a very spooky atmosphere to get under your skin. The film takes a little while to get off the ground, as a lot of 'ho-hum' goes on during the first half of the movie as Nicole's character insists on disbelieving her children when it comes to ghosts being in the house. But once she gets involved, we start seeing some ominous scenes that make you believe that maybe the house really is haunted! But is it really? and by whom?

The fact that it starts off slow, however, probably helps build this sense of foreboding of the haunting, so it may not be a bad thing in the end. So I would suggest a little patience and it'll pay off in the end. And boy, what an ending it was!


What can I say about these two chuckleheads? I love 'em to death. But maybe that's my problem.

Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back follows the final live action adventures of the title characters. Following the wild success of the "Bluntman and Chronic" comic book mentioned in "Chasing Amy," the rights are sold to Miramax Studios, unbeknownst to Jay and Silent Bob. When they find out about it, and find out about how their names are being slandered all over the Internet as a result, they set off to ruin the production of the movie and begin an excursion to Hollywood.

The movie had a pretty good fill of laughs, including a lot of cameos from big Hollywood names who have no problem poking fun at themselves. However, if you aren't already a Kevin Smith fan and haven't seen the previous 4 "New Jersey" films, you'll probably find yourself scratching your head half the time. The movie is really a final send off to that whole universe that Kevin Smith has created, and you can tell. He's given us a glimpse into the life of almost every main character from all the previous movies, making a lot of the film one big inside joke. ( i.e.: Jason Lee's "Brodie" saying, "Chocolate Covered Pretzel anyone??" would leave most uninitiateds going, "Huh?" ).

However, to be fair, it still has a lot of funny ( albeit sometimes corny ) jokes and even Mark Hammill. And there's also the fact that the trailers really don't do it justice and make it look a lot more stupid than it really is. So in the end, if you're a Kevin Smith fan ( and really, shouldn't you be? ) you'll probably love the hell out of this film.


What to say about this one. The first half of the movie was utterly great! Truly done with the best of horror movies in mind. Good buildup of suspense, good story base. Truly a breath of fresh air ( or at least a breath of air we haven't seen in a while ). However, the second half does leave a few things to be desired. For starters, the namesake of the movie. The link there between the name and what it is in the movie is kind of silly ( you'll see what I mean ). The monster wasn't all that it COULD have been, but he does fulfill his requirement in the movie. The second half is just not as riveting as the opening half. In the end, it all works out; the monster's hunger is quelled and some of the characters get to go home.

Stephane Morrell
Laurier CIM Group

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