
Runes Law, Makers of Wayfarer Infinity

Why d20 is a Cheap Whore

By Timothy Till

When I went to Origins in Columbus a few weeks ago I was extremely excited. First of all, I had never been to anything so mind bogglingly huge in relation to role-playing games, and secondly, I don't only make games, I play them . . . lots of them. The twenty or so hour drive was a small price to pay to show off my product and to hang with other geeks much like myself. More so than fraternizing and publicizing, I was looking forward to all those spiff nifty and shiny new games that pop up at events like this. I was shocked and amazed when I popped over to the Games Workshop Booth and found out what great and amazing things they have to rape my wallet of more money with. I was reminded of the good old days when I visited Green Knight and saw Pendragon and instantly reminisced back to my good old 2nd edition AD&D games of political intrigue (. . . back when AD&D was a good game). I met lots of freelancers and artists and game gurus and got to ask all the stupid nerd questions you ask game designers.

And then, like a dark wave of rolling and espousing pointlessness, I saw it . . . the d20 fad.

My heart sank into the bowels of my soul as I saw booth after booth of cardboard pop-up companies with their great new gotta buy d20 modules and expansions for 3rd Edition AD&D. I saw titles like Legends and Lairs, Creature Compendium, Labyrinths and Lycanthropes, Sewers and Swamprats, and God knows how many other pathetic and utterly useless supplements for use with a completely useless game. Eager to leave this maze of mediocrity, I ran to the AEG booth, hoping to see something new and innovative like the new Farscape game coming out.

"What kind of system are you guys gonna use for it?" I asked.

"d20" they replied with a look of total satisfaction.

Desperate for some glimmer of hope, I crawled with weakened knees to the Pinnacle Group. You know, those brilliant great and creative guys that make Deadlands. As soon as I got to their booth, I saw it. Emblazoned all over their new books like a "I'm Special" badge you give to the dunce in the corner, d20 system.

Sure, 3rd Edition made the NY Times Best-Seller List . . . But so did Mick Foley. Mick Foley's a great guy . . . Has all my respect in the world . . . but come on. Sure, they've sold millions of copies . . . but so has Microsoft. Come on people. When everyone knows who you are and you monopolize multiple industries, you're bound to hit a lot of sales and a bestseller here and there. Why? Because of you. It's the same mentality that makes N'Sync "Pop." It's the same stupid whoring of an asset that made things like Tele-Tubbies and Beanie Babies marketable. I expect so much more from you people. You're gamers! Like you give a damn about what's fad or popular. You play these games because you're creative, intelligent, think on multiple levels . . . or just don't date enough. You don't play them because the cool guy that all the girls like plays it.

If that's the case, you'd all be in football.

"Good . . . Bad . . . I'm the guy with the gun."
- Army of Darkness (Ash)

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