Published by Arcane Comics
Written by Eric Dean Seaton
Penciled by Patrick Baine
Inked by Mark Stegbauer
Reviewed by: Sidra Roberts
Prophecy of the Soul Sorcerer is an interesting book
about a supernatural/arcane/religious battle between
good and evil. The story is very unique, and the main
character is extremely well rounded and likable.
This is not your run-of-the-mill good versus evil
story. Its a story of hidden corruption in what is
allegedly a new church. A soul robber pretending to
be a minister leads his loyal followers to crime,
death, and destruction. The main character,
Nighthawk, grew up listening to his mother tell him
African folklore only to discover that all of the
folklore is true. Nighthawks mother knew about his
powers but never told him about them. After the evil
warriors killed her, he discovered what his powers
were and now fights to thwart evil. Nighthawks real
name is Elijah Alexander. Elijahs girlfriend is a
detective for the New York PD. While Elijah fights
the arcane elements of Reverend Hopes ministry,
Elijahs girlfriend investigates the ever crumbling
façade of his church.
The art for the most part is very stylized. The art
has this sleek, very science fiction-fantasy look to
it. While the art excels in looking very stylized. it
lacks correct proportions and anatomy.
Overall the book is original and intriguing, and the
art shouldnt be a reason for not picking up the book.
The story has adventure, love, drama, intrigue, and a
good supernatural detective story. If youre
interested in picking up Prophecy of the Soul
Sorcerer or just interested in some more information
on the book, you can go to either or
and find out about it.