Coville's Clubhouse by Jamie Coville

Hibbs Interview Responses

Last months interview with Brian Hibbs got a lot of traffic and reactions around the web. We decided to follow up on it by asking for responses by those involved. First we made the offer to Bill Jemas as he was the most talked about person in the interview.

Bill Jemas responded with:

By the way Brian Hibbs is just Paul Levitz spokesmodel - so you could go ahead and attribute his opinions directly to the Sultan.

We talked to Paul Levitz and he replied with No Comment.

Brian Hibbs replied with:

Why do I have this horrible thought of me wearing pearls and high heels, and doing that Vanna White hand-gesture thing?

Geez, I could have lived without that image in my brain!

'Spokesmodel'? Can't the man even insult correctly? First 'hairy neck' (huh?), now this!

Anyway I have to assume that it is only since Mr Jemas took over Marvel Comics, that he started reading Comics and Games Retailer, where my opinion column Tilting at Windmills runs.

If he had read the column prior to that, he would see that I have strongly criticized the policies of all and any companies (including, yah, DC Comics) that work against the best interest of comic book retailers. And, of course, when DC does dumb things in the future (and they will, such is the nature of things), I'll be there to discuss their mistakes with my readers.

And, of course, as the older columns continue to go up on your readers (and Mr. Jemas!) will be able to see that for yourself.

I'd like to think better of my fellow man, but it seems to me the reason that Mr. Jemas dismisses cogent and specific criticism with random insults is that he can't defend his own position in any other manner.

It frustrates me as a comics retailer that the COO of Marvel Comics is determined to follow policies that are pretty demonstratably costing both them, and myself, sales.

It frustrates me as a person that he has to resort to name-calling when faced with rational debate on the subject.

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