I have a non-collectibles rant this month. Ive been
busy with school and as such it has taken over the
most of
Lately Ive discovered that people look at you like
youre a sicko when you leave the Recreational Center with
something from the vending machine. Im sorry, when
Im hungry, dinner is far off and I want a snack, I
get a snack. It all seems reasonable to me. I dont
go to the Rec Center to work off pounds. I have more
important and entertaining things to do than obsess
about my weight and go to the Rec umpteen jillion
times a day to work off the food I ate at lunch. I
get the most ugly looks imaginable from the people
that have obviously spent lots of time on the work out
machines making their bodies mostly muscle. I like
muscle, but you know, I dont want to look like a
lumpy mattress. I think that exercise addiction is
just as bad as most other addictions. I know I should
probably go and play sports more often, but few people
I know like the sports I do and I dont have equipment
for the others I like. I cant sit there and use a
machine to work out. Its boring. My mind needs more
stimulation that staring at the same place and moving
my legs, but never really getting anywhere.
Additionally, I must walk at least 4 miles a day at
school in order to get from class to dorm to food to
class to boyfriends dorm to Memorial Student Center,
etc. etc. ad nauseum. All that walking has to be good
for something other than making my jeans fit tighter
in the legs. What really annoys me is that if they
look at me like that, what looks do they give obese
people when they leave the Rec? *shakes head*
Editor's Survey! I don't think Sidra looks out of shape. Do YOU think
Sidra looks out of shape?

Email us your opinions here: