Tony DiGerolamo’s The Fix #1 :
What Happened to the '85

    Published by South Jersey Rebellion Productions
    Written and created by: Tony DiGerolamo
    Art by: Brian and Brendon Fraim

Reviewed by: Sidra Roberts

I got this comic from Tony DiGerolamo himself at San Diego, and I've been meaning to review it for a while now. It somehow managed to get itself lost in the rat's nest I call my dorm room. Tony DiGerolamo’s done it again, he’s created a deeply amusing book.

Suppose it's a cold night and you stop at a gas station for gas and a hot chocolate. Now suppose you get attacked by a vampire gas attendant, and get rescued by some buff chick who saves you and runs off. Now if that wasn't bizarre enough, all of the sudden your car can take any impact and bounce back good as new, and you can have FANTASTIC sex in the backseat. Sounds like a pretty cool deal doesn't it? Where's the catch you ask? Well, the car is just a tad *hold up thumb and index finger sarcastically* vampiric and has mad plans of world domination. Gosh Darn it! I know you all had your hearts set on owning this car.

Well, that's EXACTLY what happens to the main character Fix in this issue. He and Thor's disowned and dispelled son, Sven, must stop Fix's old '85 from completing it’s plan of world domination.

This is a really cool, cute comicbook. I enjoyed it immensely. It's got gorgeous art, and fast paced, entertaining writing. DiGerolamo's great sense of humor has come out again in a new inventive way, and the Fraim brother’s art is just breath-taking. This book takes all sorts of amusing shots at the vampire mythos. I highly recommend this book. You should go to now and check out getting yourself a copy.

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Review Copyright © 2001 Sidra Roberts

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