Cool Beans World

Reviewed by: AJ Reardon

Man, I'm just doing everything this month! One of the things that I was asked to do this month was review (and, btw, I spend too much time on my other hobby, I keep typing coolbeads...). I said okie dokie, but in typical CT writer fashion, put it off until the last minute... Remember folks! Laziness is the glue that binds humanity together.

Anyway, by the time I got around to going over to the site, the account they had so kindly set aside for our use was expired, and I was bombarded with requests to renew my subscription. Well, I am dedicated to my job and the cost for the minimum subscription (4 weeks) was about the same cost as your average comic book, but laziness kicked in. I wasn't about to subscribe just to review. So I poked around in the free preview sections.

Cool Beans World is a comics cavern, or so they say. They have comics by famous people up on the web... apparently new stuff and remade old stuff? I already forgot what I read in the press release, my mind has been cluttered this week. Anyway, it turned out to not be my cup of tea. The five series' currently available on-line all looked dark and edgy, pretty much. Good art, but grim looking stuff.

The page is pretty graphics-intensive but loaded surprisingly quickly on my dial-up connection (momentary side rant.... I want cable! WAAAAA!).

Had I gotten off my duff earlier in the month, I may have perused more and given you guys some good info, but instead I charge you to do as I say, not as I do. Throw off the chains of laziness and do it yourself:P

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