Random Thoughts by Chris Reid

Well, it’s time to show why I call this column Random Thoughts.

I call it that because I couldn’t think of anything, so I chose the name at random. That’s kind of how I’m writing my article this month. Not to make it a rant, or a review, or any of that sort of thing, I’ll just go for all of the above.

Music is a wonderful tool for roleplaying. I recently rediscovered Spinner. While I don’t necessarily recommend it for all of your music needs, I’ve used it and discovered a lot of rather cool bands that I hadn’t heard of before. Setting it to the goth station is wonderful for running my mutant angst game. Faith and the Muse is a great band. That’s how gothic music should sound.

I’ve been playing a lot of BESM lately too. Don’t get me wrong, I like GURPS. I’ve never seen a game like BESM, though, that lends itself so well towards the roleplaying aspect of roleplaying, while still having enough rules that the occasional (or more often) combat is still fun. So what if it’s anime-based? The rules are rather easily adapted to just about any genre, and are really easy to learn. Sure, the GM has to do a lot of work (in creating NPCs…which is exactly like making PCs), but I’ve found that making templates (easy thug, or elite goblin trooper) helps this considerably. I’m pretty certain that I’ve scared most of my readership off, but how about this? If you play BESM, and use it in an interesting way, send me an email. If I get enough responses, I’ll put everything together, and we can all share ideas.

If you haven’t read my other article yet, there’s a new Shadowmarch episode up today. Today as in the first. Or maybe you’re reading this on the fifteenth. If not, then it was up some other time. Don’t know what Shadowmarch is? Read my other article, or if you don’t like pain, go to www.shadowmarch.com . If you like pain, hurt yourself, then go there.

An Everquest pen and paper game, made by Whitewolf and using the new Dungeons and Dragons rules? Wow, I don’t even have to say anything. That pretty much says it, itself.

Ever notice how cats seem to tear up new furniture first? Not that this has anything to do with anything else. Hey, I’m getting paid by the word here.

For all of you who’ve been waiting on the edge of your seats, and for the rest of you too (hopefully I’m not leaving anyone out here)… Neverwinter Nights is supposedly starting its beta-testing. This came straight from the MegaTokyo comic strip. If you don’t believe me, go there. If you don’t believe them, that’ll give a better chance for the rest of us to sign up for it. Do I have a link to it? No. I’m not going to do all of the work for you . . .

In case you’ve been living in a hole for the past few months (or are recovering from amnesia), the Scorpion King is out. Did you know that there may have been a real Scorpion King? We’re not certain, but researchers aren’t certain that he actually looks like the Rock. That’s ok, neither do I.

In related news, White Wolf is planning on making a Scorpion King game, using the Palladium system rules.

Just remember. Loincloths: They’re not just for Wrestlers turned Hollywood Actors Anymore!

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Text Copyright © 2002 Chris Reid

E-mail Chris at: Tembuki@hotmail.com