Lots of stuff to speak about this month so lets get started.
Hasbro has the voting up on its Fourth Fans Choice Favorite Figure.
Choices this time include General Rieekan, Rebel Soldier in Scout trooper
disguise, Imperial Dignitary (my personal choice) Nym (who ever the hell
he/she is) and a Stormtrooper based on Ralph McQuarries original
designs. Voting started in May and hopefully people have enough common sense
to vote for the Imperial Dignitary. In other Star Wars news, the FAO
Schwarz stores have already started to take preorders for their exclusive Imperial
Shuttle due out this December. Vary little is known about what all is
included, but the cost is $125 so your going to have to be a good to get
one for Christmas. Lastly, look for four new twelve-inch figures to be out
sometime in the next few months. There will be the Super Battle Droid,
Count Dooku and Zam Wesell. The other is an Ultimate Jango Fett
figure. He comes with some armor to dress him up in and assorted other things.
The new GI Joe figures (with O-Rings) are out and I re-emphasize how
much I hate this new line. Between all the re-decos of figures they have done and
some of the name changes, its just not the same as the ones they put out
nearly 20 years ago. Well, heres the new ones for those of you
interested: Slice (do we have to re-introduce ninjas to the line again.
It was the lines downfall.) Shockwave, Alley Viper (in blue and gray
instead of bright orange and blue), Big Ben, Headman, Tomahawk,
Mirage and the only one I would buy in multiples; Viper.
The Simpsons have some new Celebrity series figures coming out this
month and more in the fall. Look for Brad Goodman and Lionel Hutz to be out
this July and Cooder, Hank Scorpio (from the best Simpsons episode ever)
and Llewellyn Sinclair. There will also be two celebrity series two packs.
Marge and Jacques (from the one where Marge learns to bowl), the other
is Homer and Mindy. There will also be a three pack of figures based on
characters from the Bongo Comic series and will be a K-B Toys exclusive.
Not willing to rest on its laurels, Toy Biz has a new series of
Spider-Man figures, called Spider-Man Classics, which will be out in August. The line
will be light on the figures with only four figures. There will be two versions
of Spider-Man. One will have magnets all over it so it will stick to metal
surfaces. The other one will be Catapulting Spider-Man. There are also
two baddies attached to the line, a very evil looking Hobgoblin and Doctor
Thats all for this month. Im going to take a month off so look for two
months of news coming in August.