Holy attack of the summer blockbuster, Batman! Its
summer and that means major summer flicks are coming
out. These reviews cover the good and the hideously
disfigured ugly.
I suppose I should start with the movie that left me
feeling horribly depressed at the end, Scooby Doo.
I swore up one wall and down the next that I was not
stepping foot inside a theater that was showing Scooby
Doo and then my sister wants to go see it. Mom agreed
to go with her and told me that I had to go with her
and keep her company. I grumbled and whined. Mom saw
the trailer and thought it might be okay so she told
me that I didnt have to go. YAY!!!! Then the TV
spots came out and mom insisted she was not sitting
through that tripe alone with Elaine. * grumble*
Foiled again. So the dreaded release day comes around
and I volunteer to be the big person and take Elaine
by myself. I went into this expecting to see an icon
of my youth viciously raped by Hollywood, and until
the last fifteen minutes of the movie I felt
pleasantly surprised that they hadnt. Then they pull
the mask away to reveal a low, petty, cheap shot joke
as a bad guy. It was painful and it killed the whole
movie. At the point that the bad guy was revealed and
started running amuck, the Harry Potter and the
Chamber of Secrets trailer took over as the best part
of the whole experience. And boy, was the Harry Potter
trailer cool! It looks like theyve given the second
book the loyal treatment they gave the first. The
best thing about Scooby Doo itself was that it ended
very quickly after it impaled itself. The second best
thing was the music. The music was really superb, but
it couldnt save the movie. The ending just left me
feeling as though Id been kicked in the gut. The
movie had such great potential and then they went and
killed it at the very end. I was digging it. I was
liking it, and then it just DIED. It was very

Scooby Doo receives a 3 on the Spiff-O-Meter, because
it was enjoyable until the writers decided to pander
and to take cheap shots.
Now that Ive finished ranting, we can go on to The
Bourne Identity. It was your typical spy thriller. It
started off with a bang, but failed to hold its
intensity for the whole movie. Matt Damon proves that
yes, indeed he can act. Franka Potente does a GREAT
job as Marie, the girl who Bourne hires to drive him
from Zurich to Paris, and who he ends up falling for. Its a
very predictable thing. You know in the end hes
gonna end up with the girl. You know theyre not
going to successfully kill him. It was a decent movie,
nothing ground breaking. I really dont see how
theyre going to make a sequel to this movie. Bourne
figures out who he is, the govmint guy coming after
him gets killed, and he gets back together with
Potentes character. What else is there really? *
shakes head * Making a sequel for the sake of making a
sequel is just bad ju-ju.

The Bourne Identity rates a 6 on the Spiff-O-Meter.
Lastly there is Minority Report, which was a very cool
movie. The plot has a few holes, but the story is
there and is compelling. I hear its a complete
bastardization of the short-story. So, if youre a
major fan of the short story run away quickly. If
youve never read the short story, its a great movie.
It has many different things going on with multiple
levels of storytelling. It has sharp twists, and
is great eye candy. Tom Cruise does a fabulous job as
John Anderton. Spielburg once again creates a fully
imagined futuristic setting. I cannot stress enough
that it is a good movie. Samantha Morton is
heartbreaking as the head Pre-Cog, Agatha. Its a
mystery. Its an action flick. Its a human story.
Its a good movie. Go see it now.

Minority Report gets a 9 on the Spiff-O-Meter.