Sheesh. Some comics are so bad that it feels like an annoying waste of
time just to copy down the list of "credits" at the beginning of my
review, let alone to write a whole review. The Sect is one such comic. Its
also a comic that you end up wishing you had taken a closer look at it
the store, so you wouldnt have wasted $3 on it. Its the kind of comic
that your editor might send you as a Bad Indie Book from the latest
convention. Have I managed to convey to you just how much of a
dissapointment this comic is?
The Sect is like a bad martial arts movie... You know, the kind where
youre not sure who anyone really is, and theyre all spending too much
time running around doing things that you dont quite understand and
cussing each other out and generally not spending enough time getting
into cool, well-choreographed fights? In fact, The Sect even has that
slightly-disjointed flow of a poorly edited martial arts movie. It jumps
around too much between scenes and leaves you going "Huh?".
Anyway, the story centers around several characters. The "hero" of the
story spends most of his time standing around holding out a small sign
on a cord around his neck that says "Please take me to this address". He
may or may not be mentally retarded. Hes definitely ugly, but that could
just be because Mook Lim has that whole annoying bad sense of
proportion/anatomy that drove me away from Dreamwaves "Shidima"
series. Theres also a prostitute on the run, the little boy that falls in
love with her, and some swordman. Oh, and the gang of bad guys that want
the prostitute back and get beaten up by the nameless hero.
Ho hum. Still with me?
The Sect was originally published in Korea, and seems to be set in some
sort of semi-modern Oriental type country. I couldnt figure out if it was
supposed to be Korea, an alternate world type Korea, or some all
together different place. Adding to this confusing was Powerhouses
bad decision to "Americanize" the book by tossing in references to
Mountain Dew and LilKim.
The one good thing that The Sect has going for it is REALLY high
quality printing! Full color on heavy-duty magazine style paper... Geez,
the inner pages may very well be thicker than the covers on Generic
Comic Book. If The Sect is your type of comic, then youre definitely
getting your moneys worth in that aspect... $2.95 for a glossy, full-cover
book is definitly one of the best deals Ive seen lately.
Oh yes, one last thing... The Sect is billed as being "funny". Well, if your
idea of humor is a grown man knocking a kid upside the head to steal a
soda, bad guys screaming "retard" at the hero and beating whores to
death, maybe it is funny. I, personally, did not find myself smiling once.
This comic has some *serious* violence, naughty language (for the
record, just writing "what the fu . . ." is really lame, anyone who can figure
out what you mean already knows what the word is, so either write it in
all the way or not at all), references to prostitution, major violence
against women, and some minor violence against a kid, oh yes, and slurs
against the Developmentally Disabled. All you need is someone
barbecuing a cat and shouting ethnic slurs and youve run the whole
politically incorrect gamut!