Toy Story by Mathew Bredfeldt

Toy Chest

By: Mathew Bredfeldt

Well after a month off, I'm back and here with lots of new information for you. As always comments, questions, tips and web site recommendations can be e-mailed to the address in the by line above. Now on with the show.

If you ever wanted to see this author jump around like a monkey on crack, go out and find a copy of ToyFare 62. Borrow from a friend or just go to a local bookstore and take a look at their magazines to find it. On the fifth page is an ad for the Toys R Us exclusive Transformers Generation One toys. It looks like Hasbro is re-releasing the toys of original Optimus Prime, Ultra Magnus and Rodimus Major, better known to those of us that grew up in the 1980's as Rodimus Prime. I would presume these would be out soon, or are already out so check your local Toys R Us store or to get one or two.

For those of you that are craving DC comics figures, DC Direct has two new lines on the way. This month look for a sort of themed set based on the Green Lantern Corps with Alan Scott, Kyle Rayner, John Stewart (not the host of Comedy Central's Daily Show), Tomar Re along with Green Arrow and Shazam. In November there will be a Crime Syndicate line of figures out. Look for figures of Ultraman, Johnny Quick, Superwoman, Owlman and Power Ring.

Just in time for the movie, Mattel will release figures based on the next Harry Potter movie in November. Look for three versions of Harry Potter (Harry in Robes, with the Gryffindor Sword and in Quidditch gear), Ron in Robes, Professor Snape, Professor Flitwick, Draco Malfoy (in Quidditch gear), Dobby the house Elf, Professor Lockhart and Hermione in robes.

More GI Joe goodness is out now with four new two figure packs. Look for a Scarlett vs Zartan two pack (her crossbow is nearly as big as she is), Stalker vs Neo-Viper (the Neo will be re-done, but have no O-ring), Dusty vs Cobra C.L.A.W.S. (the C.L.A.W.S. will not have the O-ring either) and Nunchuck vs Firefly (who has lost his gray and black camouflage). I really cannot say how much I dislike this new line. Sure they have gone back to using the O-ring like the old figures had, but they just do not seem to have the same GI Joe-ness that the old figures had. Maybe it is because it's the year 2002 and it seems like there is no need for G.I. Joe any more.

Out now or out very soon will be two Toys R Us exclusive playsets for the Simpsons line of toys from Playmates. The first is the Treehouse of Horror III with figures of Hugo (Bart’s Siamese twin), Donut head Homer, Witch Marge and Dream Invader Willie. Out along with the Treehouse of Horror is the Main Street playset. It will have two figures, The Squeaky Voiced Teen and Crazy Old man. In non-exclusive Simpsons news, look for Series 10 of the action figures with Marvin Monroe, Scout Leader Ned Flanders, Wendell, Resort Smithers, Sunday best Marge and Maggie and Stonecutter Homer (not nekkid thank gawd). The two new playsets are Dr. Nick’s Office with Dr. Nick and Burns Manor with Burns in his pajamas. Last is the third set of celebrity figures with Hank Scorpio (from the best episode ever), Llewellyn Sinclair and Cooter (the carnie).

Palisades Toys will be releasing their third series of Muppet Show figures. Look for two versions of Rowlf the dog (regular and in a Tuxedo), Lew Zealand (with his wacky boomerang fish), Scooter and Zoot (the sax player from the electric mayhem). Also, in what is sure going to be one of the most sought after playsets is the Swedish Chef Kitchen with the Swedish Chef. After seeing what they did with Beaker and the lab, I'd love to grab this one. Look for everything to be out sometime this winter.

That's all for this month look for me with more information next month.

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Copyright © 2002 Mathew "thehammer" Bredfeldt

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