The great thing about Comic Con International is that you come home
with free previews of comics, so you can keep an eye on your comic
shops shelves for them when they come out. That is, it would be a great
thing if anyone had any previews of any decent comics! ARGH! What
follows is a review of the three previews I came home with and didnt
throw out.
First and foremost, because Im still annoyed that I paid $5 for it, is The
Lizard King Comic Con International 2002 Preview. The story is by Philip
Vargas, the art is by Anwar Madrigal, and its published by Madgas
Creative Development. Lets see . . . Where to start. The art is actually
pretty good. The faerie girl Gwenn is pretty cool looking, and you know a
cool faerie is a way to win me over to a comic. Unfortunately, its not
enough to save this preview. The story seems to focus on some humans
battling some dragon clans. GO dragons! I hope the humans all get fried.
Erhm, where was I? Oh yes, there are also some furry badger-looking
people thingies, and a furry, bipedal rabbit person thingy who doesnt
like being called a rabbit. This preview could have used less furry people
thingies and more Gwenn, but thats just my opinion.
What else could this preview have used more of? Preview material!
Sheesh. I paid $5 for 6 pages of black and white story, and 8 pages of
black and white concept art. This was the second-biggest rip off at
Comic Con (second only to the price of water). I would have been happy
with this preview if it had been free. I might even have been happy with it
had I paid $2. But $5 for so little substance was a major disappointment.
Well, it did come with a bag and board, maybe that was part of the price . . .
Moving on to some free previews . . . First I have the preview from
Twilight Comics, which apparently highlights all of the comics they have
coming out this year. Its an extensive list, and not a single one appealed
to me. In fact, their amazing mangling of Egyptian mythology for "Night
& Day" had me ranting every time I looked at the book. Theres also
some comic called Anti about some rebellious chick with a gun . . . Oh, the
blurb about her makes me laugh so much that I have to repeat it (man, I
love being with the press, I can get away with this stuff):
"She is the ultimate weapon of mass destruction cast in the form of a
woman. She is the pinnacle of genetic engineering, human enhancement,
and bio-science. The more you resist her the stronger she becomes. The
harder you fight her the faster you sell your doom. In the end you really
only have one option: head for the stars and hope she doesnt find
you . . . "
Hehehe. I could spend all day ripping that one paragraph apart, but Ill
just settle for saying . . . Looking at her figure, they werent kidding when
they said human enhancement!
Theres also a comic called Vin Kent about a guy born powerless into a
world full of psychics and mediums, and his quest as a warrior. It might
interest me if everyone in it didnt look like a linebacker with a cat
head . . . scaaaaary. The last half of the preview is "Sudden Twilight", a quick
preview of other ideas their creators are kicking around. Theyre best left
unmentioned. Oh yes, this preview was nothing but concept art and
short blurbs about the comics, but it was FREE so thats OK.
Lastly, I have the preview for Legends & Lost Souls, the most low-
budget preview Ive seen. Its comprised of one-sided black and white
photo copies stapled at the top corner, but thats OK, because it was
also FREE. Whats not OK is how painfully bad the art was! This art has
the definite look of someone who has some of the basic ideas of drawing
down, but who really needs to practice and polish their skills... Very
amateur, Id even say childish (think pre-teen with a promising art
career . . . you want to encourage them, but you dont want them drawing
comics yet). The story looks like it would focus around magic and martial
arts (enhanced by magic) in modern-day Seattle. Not the most original
idea, but it could have been enjoyable if the poor art hadnt killed it.
This sums up my quick report on Comic Con previews. Tune in next
month for reviews of real comics! Yay!