Note: Anime is Japanese animation, usually characterized by a style of exaggerated eyes in order to better express emotion.

Half Dragon, Half Crazy
Review by Gwynn Grandy

I first heard of Dragon Half in a discussion over whose producers had been on more acid, the creators of FLCL (pronounced for some still unexplained reason as Furi Kuri), those of Excel Saga, or those of Dragon Half. I figured Dragon Half had to be pretty interesting in order to rival robots popping out of people’s heads, or a series where every episode has the same characters but an entirely different theme including game show, war movie, and animal interest.

The word for this anime is zany. The main character Mink is an adolescent half-dragon, hence the title, which would be more accurately translated as Dragon Halfling. Her father was once a dragon hunter, until he fell in love with her mother. Mink is being pursued with murderous intent by the object of her affection, Dick Saucer, because she is a dragon and he is a knight. The evil, blundering king and his daughter, who is the same age as Mink, provide further complications.

This anime contains the traditional elements of a medieval saga with a twist. The greatest weakness of this anime is the predictability of the general plotline. For example, Mink’s father and mother were a large hint at a romance between Mink and the knight hunting her. What makes this series worth watching is the unexpected humor out of expected situations, such as the history of the daughter of the evil king, and the song Saucer sings before every battle.

A word of warning: Dragon Half is done in an older anime style. The characters are not as pretty as those in many of the newer Animes, hairstyles are somewhat dated, and liberal use of the chibi, or smaller, form of the characters is used for comedic relief. It is also geared toward a younger audience, but it would appeal to anyone with a sense of humor. My favorite part of this anime was the nonsense ending song. It was so amusing I replayed it just for kicks.

This anime only contains two episodes; I was vocally disappointed to realize there weren’t any more. The plot obviously leaves room for a continuing story, but apparently you are stuck reading the Manga (Japanese comic) if you want to know what happens next, which I'm sure you will.

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Review Copyright © 2002 By Gwynn Grandy

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