I wasn't quite sure what to expect from this movie. It was a remake to
begin with, something that's always a scary thing. It was a remake of a
Japanese film... even scarier ( we all know what happened to Godzilla :P
). But I was pleasantly surprised.
The movie is about a short video that sounds like an urban legend,
until it is revealed that it is for real. If someone views this video of
disturbing imagery, they die a week later.
Like M. Night Shamaylan's films, this one manages to keep up a tense
feeling without always showing much. Just the video in general makes
for a tense moment as it's not horrifying imagery, but still somehow very
disturbing. Another great thing is how it sort of leaves you guessing the
whole way through. I have not seen the Japanese counterpart, ( nor any
of it's 4 sequels released in that country ) but I do plan to as I always
like to make a comparison to the original ( for example, House on Haunted
Hill just wasn't the same as its original ).
Stephane Morrell
Laurier CIM Group
-Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, because you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.