What I Care to See
By Stephane Morrell


What can I say, I love Harry Potter. I read the first book tentatively to be more active in what my kids were going to be watching and/or reading, and ended up plowing through all 4 in no time at all. They are great books for all ages ( Well okay, actually, as the books progress, maybe not so much for the smaller children ).

That being said, I've been now doubly amazed at how well they've managed to reproduce the feel of the books on film. This has historically been a problem with these kinds of conversions. Lord of the Rings is a good example - although "good" and having excellent imagery, they still managed to botch the script to the point of almost completely negating some very important plot points in the book. But I digress, as with Harry Potter and the Philosopher's/Sorcerer's Stone, Chris Columbus and company have done an impeccable job of cutting out things that would just make the film too long, without cutting things that would change the flow and context of the story. This one is a lot "scarier" that the first ( and in fact maybe the scariest of all 4 to date ... Although I can't wait to see what the Dementors will look like in the next film ), and has no more need for the whole introduction to Hogwarts and the fact of Harry's descendance.

If you are totally anti-Harry Potter, then I guess you can miss this one. But I do say that you should give this stuff a chance, as it's really not just the sugar coated fluff that one might think ( eh Jon? ), but just might envelop you completely. Of course . . . READ THE BOOKS FIRST!

Stephane Morrell
Laurier CIM Group

-Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, because you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.

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