The cover has a yak telling us there are a lot of ads in the book. If I
hadn't gotten this for free that probably would have turned me off of paying
50 cents for it. The front page has a note from Tod C Parkhill and a small
table of contents.
The first story is Raisin Head in Conned by Brian Morante. It's a two page
story done in a very cartooney style. Somewhat reminds me of the Ren and
Stimpy cartoon. Basically it's about how San Diego Comic Con has little
variety (superheroes!) and is a gathering of geeks.
We then get two pages of ads.
The 2nd story is The End of the World as We Know it by Tod C Parkhill. This
is a two page story about Michael Stipe of REM wanting to destroy the world
by having everything audio play his "only true hit" at a high volume at the
same time. He succeeds. The last page of this two page story is devoted to
the worlds destruction. Tod does a good job with non-sequantial
storytelling, something I don't see done well very often. Tod continues to
show his strength in facial expressions and body language within this story.
The last page is an ad for budge comix, a multi-artist, non-sequitur, random
sequence comic. Surprisingly the inside front and back covers were left
blank. I personally would have prefered they filled this area with ads and
put more comics on the pages. As it is, it feels too little for the 50
cents. I give this comic a 2 out of 5 stars.