Random Thoughts by Chris Reid

Another month, another random thought. Well, usually more than one of them a month, but I can't write all of them here.

This month, for my enjoyment, I'm going back to old school random thoughts, and bringing you a Top 11 list!

Top 11 Signs That Your Game is Becoming Too Predictable

  1. You take a break to go to the bathroom. While you're gone, everyone proceeds to finish the fight, tally up the treasure and distribute experience . . . but you're the GM.

  2. One of the players doesn't participate in the game all night. When asked what he's doing, he says "Oh, I already know the ending. I saw it last week."

  3. Every time you start a sentence, someone else finishes it. (And you're not quoting Monty Python)

  4. All of the players walk right by the Glittering Pile Full of Treasure and Goodies, even though you used it to ambush them successfully the last five times you've played.

  5. The players start talking about ordering canadian bacon on the pizza instead of ham "just for something a little different."

  6. As a GM, you get your inspiration from Star Trek: Voyager.

  7. *

  8. As a player, you get your inspiration from Groundhog Day

  9. Your players all have to leave, but you can continue just fine without them.

  10. People start wincing before you even make your RBPFTN. ***

    And the number one way to know that your game has gotten too predictable:

  11. You turn to the person playing Gimli and say . . . "My elven archer has killed 51 orcs tonight. How many has your dwarf killed?"

* -- I'm sure you have something to fill in here. I sure don't. Remember to use dry erase marker, that way you can change it up for even more fun!

*** -- Really Bad Pun For The Night. On some special occasions, there might even be more than one.

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Text Copyright © 2003 Chris Reid

E-mail Chris at: Tembuki@hotmail.com