What I Care to See
By Stephane Morrell


Having read the book, I thought this was a great interpretation. You rarely come across a movie that is faithful to the book. And being a book reader, I often walk out of a movie slightly to greatly disappointed. Even Lord of the Rings, as great as it was, had some major book-to-movie translation problems. However, other than the ending, this movie translated the book almost to the chapter and whatever was snipped out really went unmissed, for the large part.

However, therein lies the problem for the standard moviegoer. It's uncertain that a person who has not read the book will walk out of this one satisfied that they have really got into the whole feeling of the story. It may not be confusing like a David Lynch movie, by any means. But not already knowing a lot of what is going on from having read the books, might just make the movie look somewhat unstructured. Problem is, they tried to present it in the same way as the book, which works great on paper... Maybe doesn't translate so well to the big screen. Still, the general ideas are there, and the imagery was perfect. It's a definite must see for the Stephen King fan who has read the book and still a decent film for those who haven't.

Stephane Morrell
Laurier CIM Group

-Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, because you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.

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