Con Report in Pictures
TCAF (Toronto Comic Arts Festival)

Date and Place: March 29th at the Trinity St. Paul's Centre.
Official Stats: Over 600 Paying in attendance.
Roughly 10:1 Male to Female ratio

Report By Jamie Coville

First thing I'll say is this con experience was much better than my last on in August of 2002. No problems driving to Toronto, except that it piss poured rain all the way there. I was much smarter this time and decided to not to drive in downtown Toronto and look for parking. I went to the subway station and parked for free and took the subway downtown and here my report begins.

Got off the subway and saw this old church.

A second shot because I couldn't fit it all in one pic.

I actually almost walked by this church because I didn't think this was the Trinity Centre, but then I spotted something out of the corner of my eye.

Aha! This must be the place.

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Text Copyright © 2003 Jamie Coville

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